Recommended Hebrew Bibles
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Hebrew-English Interlinear ESV Old Testament: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) and English Standard Version (ESV) (English and Hebrew Edition) (Hebrew) Hardcover Tanach (OT) Only!
The Hebrew-English Interlinear ESV Old Testament is an essential volume for all who study the Old Testament in the original Hebrew. On each page the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) Hebrew text is laid out word-by-word above an English gloss showing the basic meaning and morphology of each word. For reference, the ESV text is presented separately in a column alongside the Hebrew and English gloss. The Hebrew-English Interlinear ESV Old Testament also features important notes from the BHS critical apparatus related to the textual tradition of the ESV. This is an important resource for pastors, scholars, students, and others who regularly work with the Hebrew Old Testament.
This latest edition of the HEBREW/ENGLISH Bible brings to you the Old and the New Testaments in texts in both languages side by side You can compare verses easily and make the most of the original text in Hebrew in one book. The Hebrew Old testament is the Masoretic text. The Hebrew New Testament is a modern Hebrew translation. The Aramaic text is also included and translated into Hebrew. The English translation is the New American Standard Bible version (NASB) Special features/ Torah Portions in Hebrew and English, Haftarah reading table, Special readings for the various Jewish holidays, Maps in Hebrew.

New Testament ONLY!
The English – Hebrew Bilingual New Testament produced by the Bible Society in Israel is an excellent Bible tool for anyone who knows Hebrew, from the beginner to the native Hebrew speaker. The Modern Hebrew script in the New Testament follows the pattern of the Old Testament by including the vowel markers, which makes reading the Hebrew much simpler. The English translation of the New Testament is taken from the New American Standard Version (NASB) The English text is side by side with the Hebrew text.
This latest edition of the HEBREW/ENGLISH Bible brings to you the Old and the New Testaments in texts in both languages side by side You can compare verses easily and make the most of the original text in Hebrew in one book. The Hebrew Old testament is the Masoretic text. The Hebrew New Testament is a modern Hebrew translation. The Aramaic text is also included and translated into Hebrew. The English translation is the New American Standard Bible version (NASB) Special features/ Torah Portions in Hebrew and English, Haftarah reading table, Special readings for the various Jewish holidays, Maps in Hebrew.
This new English translation includes Genesis through Revelation. Restores the Name of our Creator to the Text in each place it occurs in Modern Hebrew letters. This new version in English is a literal translation. By Institute for Scripture Research, overseen by Dr. Chris Koster.

This new English translation includes Genesis through Revelation. Restores the Name of our Creator to the Text in each place it occurs in Modern Hebrew letters. This new version in English is a literal translation. By Institute for Scripture Research, overseen by Dr. Chris Koster.
This is the ONLY Bible that includes the complete Hebrew and Greek texts with a direct English translation below each word. It also includes “The Literal Translation of the