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Zechariah 12:10 in Hebrew - The Pierced Messiah - Print

Zechariah 12:10 in Hebrew - The Pierced Messiah - Print

Learn Zechariah 12:10 in Hebrew! This poster features the biblical Hebrew text of Zechariah 12:10 with each Hebrew word transliterated (broken into syllables) and translated into English. With minimal effort you will learn to pronounce each word in Hebrew and understand what it means within the context. Perfect for biblical Hebrew study and makes a beautiful & blessed addition to any home or office.

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Video Tutorial: Learn Zechariah 12:10 in Hebrew

Additional Product Info

The prophet Zechariah (~600 BC), predicted that the Messiah would be rejected by His own people and be pierced and killed.

In this section, God speaks and says, that in the End of Days (context), He will pour out His Spirit on the people of Israel, so that, they will look toward HIM and finally realize that it is HIM they have rejected & pierced. This new realization will lead to a national mourning, like when when a family mourns the death of a firstborn child, and therefore to national repentance.

Recommended read: THE PIERCED MESSIAH, ZECHARIAH 12:10 - by One for Israel.

“And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication, so that, they will look toward Me, to whom they have pierced. And they will mourn over him as one mourns over an only child and grieve bitterly over him, as one grieves bitterly over a firstborn."
- Zechariah 12:10, ESV/TLV

How to use?

Hebrew is read from RIGHT-to-left, so you will start from the right and work your way towards the left.
Under each Hebrew word, you will find its transliteration & translation in English. The forward-slash (“/”) separates between syllables and the capitals mark where the accent should be. Pronounce each syllable on its own (left-to-right), then combine the syllables to pronounce the word as a whole.

Make sure you are pronouncing correctly, with my Hebrew Pronunciation Chart.


V.1 Print:

  • 8″x10″
  • Full color
  • Printed on 110lb matte cover card-stock paper or similar
  • Ready for framing

ECO Print:

  • 8.5″x11″
  • Printed on 65lb cover vellum with "parchment look"
  • Ready for framing

All physical orders are placed in a clear protective sleeve and ship in a rigid (no-fold) envelope.

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